Let’s discover the home of Katowice: City of Gardens! The multitude of halls and corridors, the concert hall – all its nooks and crannies… What is their potential? What stories do these old walls tell? It’s time to put a glass against the wall, listen to those tales of old and realise the project you’ve always dreamt of! Come and join us for a workshop at the crossroads of space, interaction and history.
Come and join us for a bit of DIY at the Medialab Camp. This three-day, hands-on workshop will see work as part of an interdisciplinary team to create electronic devices embedded into the building itself.
Please come and join us for the workshop only if you meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria:
– you have a minimal experience with Arduino, electronics or some programming language,
– you like building devices, mechanisms, handicrafts, handicrafts (so-called DIY),
– you are involved in product and interaction design,
– you are involved in research on consumers/users.